is the Warrior of the group. Strong, reliable and smart, she is truly
a force to be feared. She's a tad bit stubborn, but observant enough
to learn from her mistakes. She enjoys learning new skills and practicing
them to perfection. Her only weakness is that the smallest of things
can set her off, and it is very hard to stop her once she's started
swinging. She's only been known to release this rage towards the opposite
sex, though no enemy should underestimate her whims during a mood
swing. She is extremely protective of Mariiko, her younger sister.
Though drastically different, the two share old wounds and secrets.

the younger sister of Drindil and the Enchanter of the group, is well
fitted to her class. Whether through magic or just her own nature,
she always seems to simply disappear, blending into the background.
She is quiet, shy, and somewhat flighty; nothing like Drindil. In
truth she is rarely found without her sister, or without some disguising
illusion. This puts her in strange positions as she often overhears
things she isn't meant to. One might argue that Mariko is the most
knowledgable of the group. |

is the Cleric of the group, though it's possible she's the most perverted,
promiscuous, twisted soul of the lot of them. She constantly flaunts
her achievements, and edges, using every opportunity to her advantage.
Most of the group members tolerate her, not only because she's the
healer, but because they also know it's due to her low self-esteem.
She shares a very strange on-again/off-again relationship with Mdien
that even she can't describe accurately. She has no one that is close
to her truly, and is elusive to anyone who tries to get to know her
better. This makes her motivations questionable, since you can never
tell what she's up to. |

the Rogue, is the least known of the group. All that is known as truth
is that she came to Neriak to be a Rogue on the day she came of age,
and that no one knows where she came from. Most that've started rumors
were made forcibly to quell them, and no one is brave enough to approach
and ask her for the truth. She shares a strange attachment - almost
a support system - with Drindil and Mariiko, mostly for Mariiko's
sake. Many are unsure as to why. |

is whispered about from the royal halls of Third Gate to the basement
of the Maiden's Fancy. She is known as the reclusive daughter of Lady
Kaliea. All that is truly known about her is that she is a Necromancer,
and she values her privacy greatly. She enrages her mother by refusing
to attend any parties and going out of her way to be antisocial. This
lasts till her one hundred fifteenth birthday, when she meets Kokoro.
Korosu becomes intrigued by the lady Rogue who has many things in
common with herself, yet differs from her so greatly. Their friendship
advances, and Korosu is astounded when her mother allows this to happen.
The more Korosu discovers about Kokoro, the more she realizes that
the two may have more in common than even she thinks. |
