is rarely satisfied with anything he's been given. And as a Shadow
Knight in Neriak there is little that has not been given him, though
much seems to be taken away. His mentor and father figure, Sir. Kasim
is now dead, his intended brined, Zeresh has vanished. And now his
younger brother has gone off on some wild goose chase with Vanlar.
When he meets Kallyn - a Wood Elf Druid set upon exploring - Neriak
offers him no comfort whatsoever. So he decides to travel with her.
Upon departing Nektulos with Kallyn he has been made to work for everything
he gets. She supplies much amusement - and torment - in their travels,
as does he. They both learn more about each other through present
actions, very little is asked about their past. Perhaps it is because
Mdien fears Kallyn's reaction to his past relationship with a certain
Cleric. |
aspiring young Wizard, Vdayen, usually comes off as an ambitious,
glory seeking Dark Elf. The truth is that he feels as though he always
has been and always will be under his older brother's shadow. He is
constantly looking for ways to make his own mark, which will show
him as Vdayen, not Mdien's younger brother. He has always been friends
with Zeresh and Vanlar, and he had always resented his brother; believing
Mdien's arranged engagement to Zeresh is what drove her from Neriak.
Upon learning the truth, he sets out with Vanlar to find Zeresh and
make sure she's safe. |
the illusive Enchantress, is shown as a paranoid, quiet dark elf on
the run, rarely seen - or unseen as it were - without invisibility
or some other sort of illusion. Since the ordeal with her father,
she's been constantly moving in a state of unrest, fearing she may
be found by one of the 'lighter' races; or worse, one of her own kind.
She travels by night until she meets Jadeen who she agrees to travel
with. Her frenzied pace slows upon grouping with Jadeen, the kind
Erudite Wizard showing her the better side of the world she's traveled.
the traveling Magician, is seen constantly looking for his older
sister, Zeresh. She's very hard to find, as she has quite a head
start on him, and is a skilled Enchantress. Very little is known
about Vanlar himself, other than he will help anyone in need that
crosses his path, and that he is desperately searching for his sister.
It is later discovered that he is, in short, a Momma's boy. The
love and respect he feels for his mother is the motivation behind
his quest. He searches relentlessly, if only to set his mother's
mind at ease.