is a strange, almost double personality in the saga. She is
a Necromancer but she certainly doesn't act like you would think
a Necro should. She is humorous and out going. She sometimes
palls around with Idlewild and jokingly calls Idlewild her rival.
She seems to enjoy flirting with the Shadow Knight Daigon but
never talks openly about any feelings she may have for him.
Upon closer examination she is revealed to be quite complicated,
putting that cheerful personality forward so that no one knows
or suspects her. She is really quite mysterious and guarded,
never letting anyone get close. Idlewild often tries talking
with her 'friend' to find out more about her. In the end Idlewild
concludes that Betsuni's true character is nothing more than
a frightened child who hides her face so that she can achieve
her goals without consequence.

is a cynical, wary Necromancer, which is surprising since she
is Bijo's little sister. As the story goes, Idlewild never had
a taste for the Clerical arts. When she found out her mother had
been a Necromancer she was filled with curiosity. When her mother
died she ran away to Qeynos and joined the Necromancers of Bertoxxulous.
She immersed herself within that world, and has emerged a crafty
character indeed. She has welcomed Vicari's protection and friendship;
and though she doesn't understand how or why, she's become a type
of role model for Kawari Nightsbane. Her relationship with Kawari
slowly reconnects her with the human race. She also shares a strange
yet respectful relationship with the Paladin Lance. As she grows
older Idlewild slowly becomes more and more concerned over her
relationship with her sister. |

is a straight forward Paladin of Karana. He enjoys sharing knowledge
and experiences, and so he decided to mentor young Donovon. The
truth is he will care for and protect anyone who needs him. He
meets Idlewild and Kawari in the Qeynos catacombs while he and
Donovon are hunting. The two Paladins had gotten lost and were
quite happy to see someone else. He feels indebted to Idlewild
for her kindness in leading them through that mess. Because of
this simple act on Idlewild's part Lance becomes convinced that
she is a good person despite the image Idlewild portrays. Even
after discovering her class of Necromancer the two share a mutual
respect that eventually turns into a strange friendship. |

is a young Paladin who has been Lance's pupil for quite some time.
Donnovon's parents were good friends with Lance, and so, when
the young man decided to become a Paladin, Lance took him under
his wing. Though Donnovon has reached an age where he could adventure
on his own, he prefers to stay with Lance. He claims that he has
learned much from Lance and feels as though he still has much
to learn. He is very cautious, and prefers to think things through. |

is an experienced Shadow Knight of Bertoxxulous. He roams about
the land that surrounds Qeynos freely, and gives little thought
to whose path he may be crossing. He often flirts with Betsuni
and enjoys her flirting back; however, he finds Idlewild's fierce
independence attractive as well. Not much is really known about
this ellusive character. And you will only ever know exactly what
he wants you to know...but who could say if it were actually true?

is a sheltered Cleric who's parents decided she'd become a Priestess
of Rodcet Nife. Cohanna claims that all her ancestors have been
Clerics and that's why her parents signed her up. Unfortunately,
even with all her educated study, Cohanna isn't that successful
of a Cleric. She can barely cast spells and even when she can
they aren't terribly effective. The high priest has evaluated
her time and again but even he cannot find any error in her techniques. |
