is a young, open-minded Wizard. She feels as though she knows
everything about her own people and they bore her. Thus, she grows
quite curious about the outside world and its different races.
She often feels obligated or backed into a corner around other
Erudites; so, when she met the traveling Dark elf Enchantress
Zeresh she leapt at the chance to travel with her. She originally
leaves to get away from an over-confident Nuzzi, but as she travels
and learns she does grow somewhat homesick for the familiarity
of her childhood friends. Jadeen is truly wonderful to be around
because in almost all new things she discovers, she is childlike
in her curiosity and wonder. |

the beginning, Nuzzi is a selfish, close-minded Erudite Wizard.
Though the Erudite Wizard qualities do not change, upon Jadeen's
leaving Nuzzi is forced to look hat his short comings. He begins
to see that Jadeen might've found comfort in her home and stayed
if he hadn't pushed her. Instead of wondering over what might've
been, Nuzzi throws himself into his training. He reasons that
while he isn't strong enough to win Jadeen back, he can become
as strong as possible before setting out to pursue her. |

is a caring Cleric of Prexus. She has been having visions since
childhood; always of unknown people in far away lands. However,
her parents never understood how to deal with them, and so they
always undermined the gravity of the visions. Ezieneth quickly
realized that she would be left alone to deal with these visions.
She began writing each vision down in a small book as an outlet,
and though she still has them she is no longer frightened by them,.
However she has kept her gift quite secret. No one truly knows
of her struggles with them. Only recently has she seen images
of a self-tortured Barbarian woman. |

is a surprisingly charming Erudite Necromancer. Those who meet
him are shocked at how well-mannered and polite he acts. He enjoys
learning about other classes and cultures, and would talk a ghoul
to death...if he could. In truth, Eudien became a Necromancer
not because he wished for dark power, but because he found it
(and the society that surrounds it) the ultimate mystery. He had
been taught the Arcane arts since childhood. He understood them
and found them boring. But from his most interesting perspective,
he finds out new secrets of Necromancy every day. One day at his
guild he noticed an Erudite shadow knight, Kimiwa. He admires
her strength as well as her ability to cast, and her finds her
quite beautiful. Upon traveling with her he realizes that her
hearts is fart to guarded for him to win. Thus he keeps their
relationship a friendship. Eudien continues to travel with Kimiwa,
hoping to investigate the more sinister spots on Norrath. |

is a merciless Shadow Knight of Cazic Thule. She enjoys growing
in strength as much as she can. Whether she must practice on animals,
undead or those foolish enough to oppose her god doesn't really
matter to her. Her normal haunts of Toxxulia forest has began
to bore her, and so she now travels around discretely with Eudien.
On one of their misadventures near Befallen they encountered the
High Elf paladin Mirriya. Upon meeting, Kimiwa and Mirriya instantly
dispised each other, and have become bitter rivals. After a four-month
game of cat and mouse the two realized their worlds would not
come to an end if either was allowed to live. And so, with an
uneasy truce, they turned their backs on one another to continue
their own private adventures. Kimiwa now travels about with Eudien,
visiting the parts of Norrath touched by dark power. She especially
enjoys Kithicor. |
