is one of the sweetest elves you could possibly meet. She enjoys
meeting new people and learning about different cultures. A
wood elf Druid of Kelethin, Yajuu is content in her home but
enjoys learning and making new friends. She is very accepting
and open, even to the most dubious characters. She becomes one
of Zeresh's closest companions once the Enchantress finally
settels down. Yajuu is often described as the glue that holds
the Elfen Kindrds of her circle of friends together; for without
her, it is very likely they would all forget to see one another
and life would go on without them.

is a shy young Druid of Tunare. In fact the only reason we meet
her at all is because Yajuu and Amai give her a pair of pants.
And though they practically have to drag her everywhere she does
end up befriending them. That doesn't stop her from going off
on her own hunting trips alone. In fact that's how she meets Gorun.
After their first nightmare of a meeting she ends up growing quite
close to him. She finds that he's so shy, just like her, and because
of that it makes her much more comfortable. She doesn't feel pressured
to strike up a conversation, and entertain him, because he, like
her, finds contentment in the silence. |

is a shy Wood elf Ranger. He doesn't understand people very well,
and so he chooses not to interact. He will go to aid anyone he
thinks might need his help, but generally feels uncomfortable
after helping others. In fact when we first meet him he ends up
collapsing after taking a beating for Sutaa. The two find that
they are so alike that they become fast friends and train together. |

is a solid, grounded, flexible Ranger. She owns a small home in
the Lesser Faydark because she loves nature and solitude. She's
basically isolated herself from everyone and even her own kin
can have a hard time finding her. She's traveled all over Norrath
and seen many things, but in the end she longed for a place of
her own. She has many friends of various races and even has the
trust of the fairy court. The Brownies tolerate her presence but
do not fully trust her. Thought she values her solitude she has
recently become a bit lonely. |

is a charming Wood elf Bard of Tunare. We first see him in the
Plane of Knowledge trying to charm the skirt off of Mirriya (almost
literally). Sineriena accusing him of ignoring her, so he switches
targets. His constant attention quickly becomes a thorn in her
side. This changes when he proves as he puts it "I'm much
more than another pretty face." Mirriya softens up towards
him but Sineriena proves to be more of a tough customer. |
