Chobu is the oldest of the Frogloks, and more like an 'older brother' to all who allow room for him in their hearts. Thisgoodly Cleric has a strict code of honor with strong convictions on several issues. He is very straight forward, but no less polite or diplomatic. For certain, you will know his point of view when you've asked for it.

Tonykaku is a young Yun shaman who rarely gets far into Innothule Swamp. The one word that sums up her character well is content. She does not complain about labors or hardships and rejoices at the smallest of pleasures. She is light hearted and cheerful, which has made her the Froglok group's cheerleader. She isn't a leader but a devout follower. She goes along with anything the group wants. This is mostly because of her philosophy, "No journey should even be taken alone."

Bento is a joyful Paladin in service to Mithaniel Marr, though his eagerness to learn and explore make he and Naniyo quite a rambunctious team. Bento, however, holds himself accountable to Chobu. The older, wiser Froglok as swayed Bento's choices many times. And each time he has never regretted or felt shame. Lovable, and easily missguided, Bento has learned that he will never learn till he asks questiosn.

Naniyo is much like all the other Frogloks. She possesses faith in her god, inner peace and she is guided by her convictions. However, she, like Bento, is slightly more ambitious. It has been debated that this comes from her slightly more powerful class of Wizard. However, she is not inconsiderate of others, and tries to remember that all actions have consiquences. She is not as cheerful as Tony, not as grounded as Chobu, and a bit more laid back than Bento.